W e ( h u m a n s )  a r e  t h e  m a s t e r s ,

t h e y ( m a c h i n e s )  a r e  t h e  s l a v e s …

( M a t s u m o t o 2 0 0 7 )

The challenge of our era is the wise use of technology and new media, with the goal to serve human needs as best as possible.

The goal is to make the world a better place. We insist on putting the needs, wants and limitations of human nature to the center of our thinking and acting.

The holistic approach is based on an interdisciplinary integration of computer sciences, behavioral sciences, design, media studies, communication theory, linguistics, social sciences, cognition sciences, sociology, arts, philosophy etc.

So, the vision is to create a world with a holistic design of information systems optimized for human needs.

The mission is to research, evaluate, design, implement, integrate and deploy tailored information systems for humans in companies and markets.

Thank You!

N. A. Doger

eXtended Management Support Systems